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Master Thesis : 

Digital Spectacular - L'écran, l'urbain, le public



2017 Postgraduate Graduation/Final Thesis : Digital Spectacular - L'écran, l'urbain, le public. The discussion involves the relationship between the large screen, public places and the audiences. The (giant LED) screen is becoming and central elements of exhibits within the city and the passersby becomes the audience. Using this topic, I want to discuss how designers use these elements to create and develop new ideas and objects for the city.

Tutor : Lysianne Lechot-Hirt.

2017年研究生毕业论文: «Digital Spectacular -L'écran, l'urbain, le public»。其讨论涉及大屏幕,公共场所与公众之间的关系。屏幕正如一件城市中的展品,观众则为城中的过客。我以此为话题,讨论当下设计师如何利用这元素,从中创造并带来更多新的理念和事物。

导师:Lysianne Lechot-Hirt

HEAD – Genève, Master-Media Design

Geneva, Switzerland 2016-2017



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